Company Position Nationality
Croix-Rouge Bulgare Cheffe de la division bien-être social et activités opérationnelles Bulgarie
Comment les établissements de soins innovent-ils pour permettre aux personnes âgées dépendantes de bénéficier de leurs services à domicile ?

Dr. Nadezhda Todorovska is a Deputy Director General and Head of Social Welfare and Operational Activities Division of the Bulgarian Red Cross. She is a medical doctor and has a Ph.D. in Finance, money circulation, credit and insurance (insurance and social activities).

Her main tasks comprise strategic planning in the field of health promotion and prevention as well as social services provision for vulnerable population groups, among them older people, refugees and migrants, homeless people.

Since 2003 Dr. Todorovska is the manager of the Home Care Program of the BRC and is responsible for the overall development of this type of services in Bulgaria, incl. elaboration of sustainable legislative and financial framework in cooperation with central Government institutions and other stakeholders.

At national and international level Dr. Todorovska is a participant in different expert groups with regard to the elaboration of policy measures ensuring a dignified and independent life of older people and overcoming of demographic challenges, among them the Administrative Council and the Task Force Healthy Ageing of AGE Platform Europe, National Council on Demographic Policy, National Council on Social Inclusion and others.